
English/Spanish Companion Sets- send home the same book in English and Spanish so Spanish-speaking parents can read along as their children learn to read. Parents will appreciate the opportunity to read with their children in Spanish and take an active part in their children's education. Mike Gilliland The Free 2011 Hooligan Press This E book is Anti Copywrite. 12 ‘wurts’ (see glossary) ISBN 135 ( of 2nd. Jun 19, 2018 - Explore Michelle Carosella's board 'Thermomix Breads' on Pinterest. See more ideas about thermomix bread, thermomix, thermomix recipes. To spend a year with this much novelty, this much adventure, good friends, time for myself, personal growth, etc., this is not realistic. Like my mom wrote to me once, 'you can't live this fairy-tale of a life forever.

This mini-lesson is an excerpt from the first lesson of our course «Español con cine 1: Arrugas». This course is based on clips from a prizewinning animated movie. The script and illustrations are from a graphic novel by Paco Roca. The film is very moving and, at times, humorous.
The movie is about Emilio, a pensioner who, before retirement, was branch manager of a bank. Emilio is now showing signs of dementia and ends up in an old people’s home in Galicia. There he makes friends with Miguel, his roommate, who helps him to adjust to his new life.
In the scene you will see in this mini-lesson, Emilio is still living with his son Xoán and his daughter-in-law. Xoán seems to be very impatient with his father, who is confusing the past with the present.

In under four minutes you can learn Spanish words and expressions related to old age and banking.

Home In A Box La Sopa Cubana


Click below to download a full transcription of this mini-lesson, which includes the virtual teacher’s presentation and the subtitles of the clip in English and Spanish.

Carmen (la profesora virtual)Vocabulario y expresiones
¡Hola y bienvenido o bienvenida a esta mini-lección de Real Spanish! Aprenderás algunas palabras relacionadas con la vejez y con el sector bancario.

la vejez

el sector bancario

old age

banking, the banking sector

Éste es Emilio, un jubilado que vive con su hijo y su nuera. Emilio era director de una sucursal de un banco. Vas a oír la palabra «caja», que normalmente significa «a box» pero en este caso se refiere a una caja de ahorros.

el/la jubilado/a

la sucursal

la caja (de ahorros)

retired person

branch (of a bank or company)

savings bank

Emilio es pensionista pero cree que todavía es director del banco y que su hijo y su mujer le están pidiendo un préstamo hipotecario.

el/la pensionista

el préstamo

el préstamo hipotecario


a loan

a mortgage loan

PersonajeSubtítulos en españolSubtítulos en inglés
EmilioLe seré sincero. Con su sueldo y no trabajando su esposa me temo que me es completamente imposible concederle un préstamo hipotecario. Si al menos….I’ll be honest with you. With your salary and since your wife is not working, I’m afraid it’s absolutely impossible for me to offer you a mortgage. If at least…
XoánEsto es desesperante, ¡joder! Es que no hay quien lo aguante. Esto es como para volverse loco, siempre igual, joder, siempre igual.Damn, this is infuriating! It’s just unbearable. It’s enough to drive you crazy, always the same, damn it, always the same.
XoánNo empecemos otra vez con esto, que hoy no tenemos tiempo para andar con tonterías, ¿eh?Let’s not start again with this. Today we don’t have time to carry on with this nonsense, eh?
EmilioOiga, por favor, cálmese, llevo más de veinte años como director de esta sucursal.Listen, please calm down, I’ve been director of this branch for more than 20 years.
Xoán¡Basta, papá! No estás en la caja, hace ya años que no trabajas en ella. Yo no quiero ningún préstamo, lo que quiero es que te comas la sopa.That’s enough, Dad! You’re not in the bank, it’s been years since you worked there. I don’t want a loan, I just want you to eat your soup.
EmilioPero, ¿qué…?But, what…?
¿Por qué se usa el subjuntivo aquí?
Es que no hay quien lo aguante.
Lo explicamos en la hoja «un poco de gramática».
Es que…The thing is…
¿Has oído el taco «joder»?
Esto es como para volverse loco, siempre igual, joder, siempre igual.
En inglés suena muy fuerte, pero en español es mucho más suave.

el taco



Damn (it)! (Literally, “fuck!”)

Y la exclamación «¡Basta!»
¡Basta, papá! No estás en la caja, hace ya años que no trabajas en ella.
¡Basta! That’s enough!
Bueno, es todo por hoy. Pero puedes probar la lección entera, gratis, en Real Spanish.enteracomplete

Visit us to try the complete lesson as a free preview, together with all the associated learning activities.

“I liked the introductions and the whole set up of the lecciones. I found the grammar and the transcriptions very useful too, and the self-test apparatus as well.”

“The PDFs are very helpful, it is good to have the transcript and the grammar for reference. The cultural and social content is interesting. The exercises work well.”

Home In A Box La Sopa Mexicana


Habitat Home In A Box

“I like the accent on colloquial (as opposed to literary or formal) language – that strikes me as very useful indeed.”